All children are geniusHappy mothers,Clever and confident children

● Experience of the world's best specialists
● Practical classes
● Only 20 min. per day for classes

All children are geniusHappy mothers,Clever and confident children

● Experience of the world's best specialists
● Practical classes
● Only 20 min. per day for classes


Hello, dear mothers, my name is Olena Antonyuk

● I am the author of the project "All children are talented".● I am mom in balance, beloved and loving wife more than 17 years.● Mother of two wonderful children: son and daughter ● An expert in the harmonious development of a child's mental and physical potential.● Owner and CEO of business.● Sportswoman, traveler and optimist, volunteer and social active person

● Certified business coach of the IPS company.● Leader of webinars and trainings for early development.● Trainer of early development groups for children.● My courses and trainings have been visited by more than 300,000 people around the world.● Made more than 3,000 trainings.● Teached 12,000 caring parents on the courses.● A happy and inspired woman.● An active person who creates a bright life around, likes to organize various events.● The traveler.● Sportswoman. Played for the national snowboarding team.● I do various sports: snowboarding, swimming, rollerblading, stretching, cycling, wakeboarding, surfing, badminton, rock climbing...● An eternal student who likes to constantly learn something new.● I speak 5 foreign languages.● I have a friendly, loving and supportive family: parents, grandparents.● I am an optimist and a person who loves his life!

Be a mother in balance

Today, I can confidently say that I have established a balance in life between- good relationship as a couple - 17 years together- motherhood and good developed children,- self-realization and work-hobbies, rest, traveling and time with friends- household processes, optimization and time management for mothers

A couple of facts from my childhood:

● I was a very active and curious child
● We had a sports complex at home, where I spent a lot of time
● My parents encouraged me to do sports. They played sports themselves and involved me in the process.
● Every summer we went hiking in the mountains for 2 weeks. Tents, nature and silence. I ran all the distances myself. I often had to overcome my laziness and difficulties. But with the love and support of my parents, it was fun.
● My mother read me many books and poems as a child. She was interested in the issue of child development, and read many books on development and upbringing even when I was little. Many development methods that were given to me I give to my children and my mothers in the project, because they work perfectly
● My dad played guitar and piano for me, he is self-taught and can repeat almost any tune he hears by ear. We composed children's songs with him, taught mathematics in a playful way
● I started learning English from the age of 3. At the moment, learning foreign languages is easy for me. At work, I use my native Ukrainian and 2 additional languages: English and French


● My parents respected me from a young age. Gave opportunities to express my opinion, supported good initiatives, respectfully expressed my opinion and guided me if I made mistakes
● All my childhood, I was engaged in various interesting activities: music, drawing, sculpting, foreign languages, dancing, sports... During this time, I got into the habit of acting. Now I like to learn and I do it easily and quickly. I concentrate well and work efficiently. As an adult, she began to learn to play the violin
● As a child, my father called me "the biggest friend among the little ones", my mother called me "my talented child"
● I was taught to be independent from a young age, actions, self-development, experiments and research were encouraged
● I took the first independent steps in earning money from the age of 18 (I tried myself in different directions and was proud of the money I personally earned, although my parents never raised the issue of the necessity of me earning money and urgently transitioning to independence). The main task was for me to believe in my abilities and act. I won and learned to lose, and in this situation I had the strong support of my parents and their belief that I would succeed. Since the age of 20, I have been completely self-sufficient


A balanced life of a mother

In my life, I keep the balance of the main 4 directions
● Family, children, everyday life
● Work, development, self-realization
● Sports, hobbies, friends, travel
● Good relationship with husband


I believe that when you become a mother, you should not lose your personality, interests and hobbies. You cannot sacrifice your life for the sake of children. First of all, children need a happy and energetic mother. Then they too will be happy and filled with her love. Then she will also have the strength and desire to give warmth to her husband and children. Then the family will be friendly and strong.


How do my husband and I feel about parenthood?

We have one secret. When we didn't have children, we were very worried about whether we would be good parents. There is so much you need to know in order not to "break" a small personality, to help grow a comprehensively and harmoniously developed person, to help find your talents and strengths and realize yourself in adult life. We wanted to enjoy parenthood, not suffer from the fact that you have no idea what to do with children and how to deal with their bad behavior.

Apparently, we wanted the best for our children so much that we decided to become responsible and aware parents. And we succeeded. The basis of this is that, first of all, we are constantly developing. We are not standing still. We want to be a good example for our children. Our favorite phrase is "don't raise your kids, they'll still be like you."


The second important point is that we have important knowledge about children. The knowledge that gives us the opportunity to feel calm and confident. We do not miss important moments in development and education and are moving in the right direction.

Are we wrong? Of course, we are people! And the first thing that every parent should accept is that we will make mistakes in development and upbringing anyway. But mistakes are always important - they give us the opportunity to become better, learn and draw conclusions. It's never too late to get better. It's never too late to become responsible and aware parents

We take our parenting lightly. Without constant tension, a sense of duty and guilt if we don't have time for something, without long meetings and postponing happiness "for later". We live here and now, and enjoy every moment of life. We enjoy our children, love them incredibly much, watch their development and suggest ideas for activities and learning about the world so that they choose what they like. And with great pleasure we live our second childhood with them.


Why did I decide to create the project "All children of genius"?

I am a marketer by profession. Before the maternity leave, she worked in an international French company. I am an active person, and I always liked to organize bright events, create a holiday for people.

Activity did not go anywhere even during the maternity leave, all my energy went in a different direction. I actively studied and was involved in the development of my children, because I know that the first 6 years of a child's life are crucial for a successful future life.

It is at this time that almost the entire brain is formed, the sense organs and other systems develop rapidly. The more physical activity a child has, the smarter he will become, the easier it will be for him to adapt in society, as well as learn and learn about the world in his future life.

Even before the birth of children, I began to study child psychology, methods of harmonious physical and intellectual development, issues of child brain development, child physiology.

My husband and I chose several world-famous scientists and founders of methods of harmonious and comprehensive development. When our son was born, we started training him from birth, and 2 years later we did the same program with our daughter.

We were pleased with our son's pace of development, enthusiasm and interest in learning, physical development, ability to concentrate and at the same time be a mobile and inquisitive child. We decided to continue the internship at an early childhood development school in England (Bristol). We worked there with our 1-year-old son.
From that moment, we used all this cool knowledge to develop both our children. And our friends, seeing how cool our children are developing, asked for advice. I wrote a program for each child of my friends separately. And at some point at 3 o'clock in the morning, while writing the next program, I thought: "everyone wants a cool development for their children, so why don't I share with all this important knowledge that changes the entire future of children for the better?" At that very moment the idea of creating a project and improving the lives of parents and raising talented children was born
Since then, 12,000 parents around the world have walked this path with us, we have created a mobile application for Apple and Google and thousands of parents enjoy classes with their children
This project has become my mission in life, because I see how much we change this world for the better through our children! And that makes me a very happy person


What kinds of sports have we already involved our children in from the age of 1?

The best motivation for development is a person's internal interest. It is according to this principle that we teach children. We are interested in some business. First, we begin to deal with it independently. And soon the children join us. Yes, we gave children a chance to try sports and physical activity such as:
● swimming,
● rollers,
● skiing/snowboarding
● cycling/cycling
● a scooter
● skate,
● a climbing wall,
● professional trampoline
● hiking in the mountains


We were just doing our favorite thing, and the children were carefully watching us. Until the moment when they wanted to try it themselves.

We structure the entire process of classes with our children in such a way that it is fun and interesting for them. Because it is impossible to force a person to do something. Sooner or later he will be against it.


Music in our life

With the appearance of children, a lot of music appeared in our lives. Music plays an important role in the development of a child's hearing. It affects speech, foreign language skills, attention, ability to concentrate and many other aspects of development. Therefore, we will like completely different music. Children learn to play the violin because it develops a fine musical ear and the ability to concentrate, the ability to perform and the skills of presentation itself. Children try drums, love to dance and listen to classics. This is an incredibly fascinating world into which children have plunged. My son has been learning to play the violin since he was 4 years old, and his daughter since 2 years old. According to the game "talent training method" from the great Suzuki.
at the age of 10 and 8, children already learn 6 languages (Ukrainian, English, German, Luxembourgish, French and Russian, which was before the war)


Traveling with children

Children are in no way an obstacle to an active, interesting and fulfilling life. On the contrary, it is an incredible happiness to share these joys with a new generation of people.
Before we had children, we traveled a lot. After birth, we did not become less active. Our daughter traveled to the mountains for the first time in 3 months, and our son swam in the sea in 11 months. Children develop very quickly during trips. New impressions give them many new experiences and impressions. And this has a positive effect on development.
Together with the children, we have already visited many countries and cities. Today, there are many different household appliances that allow you to feel free to travel even with a baby.


My hobbies and interests

There are a lot of them. I am an eternal student and believe that there are too many beautiful and interesting things in our world to waste time on. I direct my strength, energy and time to create good, good and useful. I don't put off for later: affairs, plans and dreams. I live "here and now". I take responsibility for what happens in my life.
When I had 2 children, I realized that I had very little time left. Or I will be like a squirrel in a wheel and will not have time for anything. Or I will have to learn how to manage my time wisely. It was then that I introduced the most effective skills of time management, prioritization, and delegation into a habit. And she started to have more time.
There was time for a hobby. And the most interesting thing is that while I was doing my hobbies, the children were watching me, and very soon they joined my interests and also fell in love with this activity.


Relationship with husband

The gender of the case is a correctly chosen husband and father of children. That's what I started with.

The second half of the matter is, of course, self-improvement. Relationships are constant work. You can't especially forget about your relationship with your husband at the time when children are born. This is a crisis moment in every family, which can last for about two years. If you do not pay attention to your husband and your inner and outer state, it can end in misunderstanding, resentment, quarrels, divorce.

That is why, from my side, I devote time and attention to this issue. I fulfill all the promises given in the registry office J And I feel support and understanding from my husband.


General hobby, sports and interests

We like to spend our time actively. There are many different options for this. One of them is sports competitions that must be held together as a team. This is a great chance to feel the support of your partner and to feel that you are doing something together.
